ShufflePedia Wiki

Welcome to ShufflePedia[]

ShufflePedia is the knowledge base for Pokémon Shuffle and Shuffle 2, the alternate-universe fan games that mix up all the rules!

What Is Pokemon Shuffle?[]

Pokemon Shuffle and Pokemon Shuffle 2 are fan games that take place in an alternate universe. The roles of people and Pokemon have completely changed! In Pokemon Shuffle, players are introduced to a vivid world with tons of brand new changes. For example, the Pokemon you may know as Unown is actually called Languaglyph in this universe, and evolves into Comonitate, a Pokemon that resembles Sigilyph. Trainers will try to be the very best as they try to stop the mysterious Team Shadow and their leader, Floyd. The goal is to defeat the elite four, and the champion, Reggie. Pokemon Shuffle 2 is a WIP game which takes place 35 years before Shuffle. In the game, the region of Baloncé is split into two regions, and the player will try to defeat all the gyms and champion.

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